
Monday, November 12, 2012

Idea Development 2

Nightlife in Kuala Lumpur City

Kuala Lumpur is one of the city that tourists can enjoy all the benefits of living and also a world-class shopping destination. KL is a bustling city offering a range of activities and great nightlife and weekend options. Weekends allow tourists and families to engage in travel around the region or there are sporting and social clubs within the city that meet over the weekends.The lights shimmering illuminate the city.

Technology makes human feel alive.


Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a preexisting solution to a problem, achieve a goal or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments.( Wikipedia)

The example of modern technology 

We are surrounds by different modern technologies, like medical technology, information technology and construction technology, robot technology etc.The image above shows some example of technology that exists nowadays.The main unit of modern technology is information technology i.e. computer internet and all electronic devices controlled by machines.

Computer is the greatest invention and product of this life but internet is the father of the computer. These two things are essential parts of each other and dull with out any of them. Computer, the machine, is  with all the information and skills said to be the equivalent to human mind made us  much relax and internet has all the solutions of major and minor problems of this modern technologies life.

These technologies have numerous benefits. The most important is that it has secured the world in a screen or page or an electronic media (electronic chip which can save and control a huge amount of information in any form of data). The modern technology has changed our minds totally. We are able to stand for good or bad and can differentiate them. We are in better condition from our’ s ancestors. They were afraid of  every mysterious moment of the nature and any sudden incident of their life. Hence technologies have made our life easier and happier.

Human Behavior

 According to a few  well-known psychologists "Myers-Briggs" and "Keirsey" there are about sixteen distinct personality types, which defines our personality. And somewhere mixed into all of this information they can tell us if we are either a extroverted or introverted type of person.Trait psychology is all based on personality and behavioral traits. These are rough correlates to behavioral traits.

  • Warmth
  • reasoning 
  • emotional stability
  • dominance
  • liveliness
  • rule consciousness
  • social boldness
  • sensitivity
  • vigilance
  • abstractedness
  • privatness
  • apprehension
  • openness to change
  • self reliance
  • perfectionism
  • tension

Human is actually have their own traits and might be get from genetics,influenced by others or discover by themselves.They have their own comfort zone which they feel secure,comfortable and fun to live in that way. It is considered a normal behavioral trait that we humans all have Once we're forced outside of our comfort box, we immediately begin looking for ways to return to the relative safety and comfort of our own little world. 

This is how behavior cycle

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